What’s going to change?

As of 1 January 2022 new so called “tax on revenues” or “minimum tax” will enter into force. The new tax will be levied on companies being CIT taxpayers and Tax Capital Groups: 

For the purpose of loss / ratio calculation, costs of development or acquisition of fixed assets, including depreciation write-offs, are not taken into account. 

Though certain exclusions are provided (see below), there is no limitation of application of the new tax to companies above a certain revenue threshold. 

The new tax rate is 10%, whereas the tax base is calculated as: 

Exclusions can apply, i.a. to financial institutions (specific CIT definition), companies benefiting from Special Economic Zones / Polish Investment Zone (but the scope of the exclusion is unclear), new businesses (for the first three years), companies suffering 30% revenue drop in the preceding year, companies with a simple ownership structure (with “group” income / revenue ratio >1%) , and companies paying the so-called Estonian CIT. 

The “tax on revenues” can be deducted from “standard” CIT for a maximum of 3 years and is due on a yearly basis.

What does it mean?

safe for deduction from “standard” CIT .

How can we help?

  • we will support you in analysis whether your company meets the criteria for being in-scope of the new tax 
  • we will analyze and / or review calculation of a tax base including possible deductions  
  • we will provide a simulation on the cash flow impact 

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