On-demand SAF-T files generator

In Poland, businesses may be required to submit various SAF-T files (Standard Audit File for Tax; JPK) upon request from different authorities, including tax authorities and other regulatory bodies such as UOKiK (the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection). These SAF-T files can include records like sales invoices, accounting books, warehouse inventories, and bank statements. 

Unlike the JPK_VAT (JPK_V7M / JPK_V7K) that you submit monthly as part of your VAT compliance, SAF-T files on demand are generated only when specifically requested by the authorities. These files must be prepared accurately, usually with tight deadlines, and in full compliance with Polish regulations (.xsd schema), as they provide a detailed snapshot of your business’s financial and operational activities. 

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Our service

Our service is designed to support you in the preparation and verification of these on-demand SAF-T files. Based on data provided by you, we ensure that all necessary data is correctly formatted and compiled, ready to be submitted to the relevant authorities 

Why choose CRIDO?

Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with on-demand JPK file generation and ensure that your business meets all regulatory requirements. 

More information on the process you may find on blog created by CRIDO experts

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