
Top-up tax – Implementation of EU Directive Pillar 2 in Poland

Top-up tax that will appear as a result of the implementation of the EU Pillar 2/GloBE Directive in Poland is an increasingly hot topic. These regulations will have a significant impact on the tax liabilities of large entities. It is therefore worth preparing for this implementation in advance – consequently we invite you to watch this video.

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Data dodania
Data dodania: 03.06.2024
Czas trwania
Czas trwania filmu: 1 h 24 min 6 s
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top-up tax
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Top-up tax will appear in Poland as a result of the implementation of the EU Pillar 2/GloBE Directive. The new tax is currently an increasingly hot topic. Moreover, these regulations will have a significant impact on the tax liabilities of large entities. Therefore, it is worth preparing for this implementation in advance. In the film, CRIDO experts Kamil Karamański and Sören Godniak present the most important assumptions regarding the implementation of the new tax.

Top-up tax – from when


Firstly, In the first part of the presentation, CRIDO experts explain when to expect the implementation of the provisions of the EU Pillar 2 Directive. Additionally, in this part of the presentation, the speakers conduct a survey regarding the assessment of webinar participants.


Top-up tax – the entities covered by the regulations and exclusions and subjective limitations are provided for in the Act


Secondly, CRIDO experts then explain who will be covered by the provisions of the EU Directive. You will find out whether the implementation will apply to constituent units of international or national groups. Furthermore, you will also find out whether the regulations provide for limits on annual revenues.


Top-up tax – what are the stages of calculation


Thirdly, CRIDO experts then walk you through a sample new tax calculation. Simultaneously, they explain concepts such as qualified and non-qualified refundable relief or jurisdictional top-up tax.


Top-up tax – payment rules


Moreover, the video also explains who and in what situation will be obliged to actually pay the new tax.


What formal and reporting obligations will be imposed on Polish entities


In addition, CRIDO experts also explain what new reporting obligations will arise under the provisions of the new tax.


Opinions of the Tax Administration


Finally, in the video you will find the answer to what an opinion on the top-up tax will be. CRIDO experts also explain what role a security opinion will play in the case of top-up taxation.


In conclusion, we recommend the film to all people responsible for settlements in large capital groups. Please note that on Cridoteka you can find also this film in Polish language.





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O autorze

Sören Godniak

Starszy menedżer CRIDO
Sören jest doradcą podatkowym. Zajmuje się kwestiami z zakresu podatku dochodowego od osób prawnych, zwłaszcza transakcjami i zagadnieniami związanymi z podatkiem u źródła. Wspiera klientów z różnych branż w krajowych i międzynarodowych transakcjach...
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O autorze

Tomasz Bartoszek

Partner w CRIDO
Tomasz, partner w zespole CIT w CRIDO, jest licencjonowanym doradcą podatkowym z ponad 10-letnim doświadczeniem. Wielokrotnie pomagał przy wdrażaniu ulg oraz zwolnień w CIT. Odpowiadał za przeglądy podatkowe, a także doradzał przy implementacji...
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