The European Union aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, as indicated in the European Green Deal strategy. Targets set under the Green Deal stipulate reducing CO2 emissions by at least 55% by 2030 versus 1990 levels (the earlier consensus stipulated a 40% reduction). It is a huge challenge that requires both a holistic strategy for company decarbonisation and significant financial resources.
Among other things, this goal is to be achieved through:
The above goals are reflected in the priorities of various programmes through which support can be sought under the EU financial perspective 2021-27. National funds from the State budget are also addressed to the energy transition of the industry.
The FENIKS programme is the largest operational programme in the EU’s 2021-2027 financial perspective. Support under the FEnIKS Programme is aimed at investment projects connected e.g. with:
Funding under the NRP is aimed at energy transition projects that focus on the following areas:
The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management offers programmes focusing e.g. on increasing the use of RES in business operations and improving energy efficiency. Funding under the “Energy Plus” programme is a case in point.
Projects concerning researching and developing innovative solutions in the field of energy and climate change (new products, solutions, and technologies) may apply for funding under the SMART path. Funding is available for enterprises (large, SMEs) as well as consortia (including consortia involving research institutions). In addition, the SMART path involves funding for implementing innovations (investment projects) as well as business greening, i.e. direct investments in green solutions aimed at e.g. boosting energy efficiency.
Within the scope of the FENG programme, investments in supporting the energy efficiency of SMEs and mid-caps are also supported through the Green Credit facility.
International research projects focusing on developing breakthrough solutions, including solutions in the field of RES and energy efficiency, that are at the early stages of development can be co-funded from the Horizon Europe programme that is managed directly at the European Commission level. The maximum level of funding for Research and Innovation Actions reaches up to 100% of eligible costs.
How can we help?
Pilot smart grid implementation
We obtained funding in the amount of approx. PLN 19 million for a project subsidised by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management with a value of approx. PLN 82 million.
Constructing a cogeneration system at a manufacturing plant
We obtained approx. PLN 1.8 million in funding for a project co-financed under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 with a value of approx. PLN 5.2 million.
Constructing an 8MW PV plant with the necessary technical infrastructure
We obtained funding in the amount of approx. PLN 18.9 million for a project subsidised by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, 2014-2020, with a value of approx. PLN 22.2 million.
Constructing a 26MW wind farm
We obtained approx. PLN 39.9 million in funding for a project co-financed under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 with a value of approx. PLN 177.9 million.
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