The main objective of the CEF programme is to finance the modernisation and construction of infrastructure, including in particular transport infrastructure located on the TEN-T trans-European transport network, and energy infrastructure located along the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E). The CEF’s budget for 2021-2027 is EUR 33.7bn and is broken down into three main areas:
The CEF is an instrument managed by the European Commission (EC). The EC holds competitions and selects projects that receive funding. On behalf of the EC, implementing the CEF is the task of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Before submitting a project for evaluation by the EC, applicants are also required to obtain approval from the Member State in which their projects will be implemented. In Poland, such applications need to be reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy.
Transport sector
CEF Transport focuses on cross-border projects and projects aimed at removing bottlenecks or filling the missing links in various sections of the TEN-T, as well as on horizontal priorities, such as traffic management systems.
Competitions in the transport area are mainly addressed to public transport infrastructure operators but also organisations implementing private projects in supported areas.
Competitions under the following investment priorities have already been announced within the scope of CEF Transport for the coming years:
Two types of projects are funded in the energy area (CEF Energy):
– Projects that are granted the status of a project of common interest (PCI);
– Cross-border projects in the area of renewable energy (RES), included in the CB-RES project list. In this area, funding is awarded in three stages:
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